Lisa Wong March 8, 2017 Noise-cancelling headphones on, do premium brands dominate? Lisa Wong March 8, 2017 ShelfTrend looks at sales of noise cancelling headphones to see if generics have gained momentum over the first-to-market blue chip brands.
Lisa Wong March 1, 2017 Have TVs become a commodity product? Lisa Wong March 1, 2017 ShelfTrend looks at eBay Australia sales of 55” televisions to see if price or brand reigns supreme in this high value category.
Lisa Wong February 22, 2017 Product Insights, Keyword Insights, Category Insights eBay US, UK and AU Supply and Sales of USB-C HDMI Adapters Lisa Wong February 22, 2017 Product Insights, Keyword Insights, Category Insights USB-C is a becoming the standard for future laptops, computers, gaming consoles so there is no surprise that the demand for adaptors are on the rise.
Anojan Abel February 13, 2017 Product Insights, Keyword Insights Fitness Trackers pricing trends on eBay Australia Anojan Abel February 13, 2017 Product Insights, Keyword Insights Fitness trackers have seen increasing varieties of unbranded fast follow products become popular with buyers shopping on eBay.
Anojan Abel February 6, 2017 Education, How-To, Announcement Product Identifiers reporting now on ShelfTrend Anojan Abel February 6, 2017 Education, How-To, Announcement ShelfTrends Top 500 report now supports product identifiers such as EAN, UPC, ISBN to generate live insight for brand sellers. It helps them understand things such as.....